Wednesday, July 25, 2007

India 31 The Journey Continues

We left Hubli at 4:30 in the afternoon and was scheduled to arrive in Mumbai approximately 7:30 the next morning. Next was a taxi that would take us to the airport where we would catch out 1:30pm flight to London. Perfect plan but it was not to be.
It was monsoon season and we saw who was the real boss. By 7am the next morning we were a few stops from our final destination and being me, I began to panic although I did not say anything. There was good reason to panic because the train tracks were flooded as we got closer to Mumbai and the train was standing still for long periods of time.
We got to talking to an Indian man who was heading the same route as us and eventually at 10:30am, with the train at a complete standstill for almost half an hour, we going this man, grabbed our bags, folded our pants and made our way off the train. There was some water on the tracks but nothing prepared us for the water that was halfway to our knee when we left the station at that point. We eventually made it though, got an Auto and was safely on our way to the airport. Or so we thought. There was immense flooding on the roads and our driver had to change his route to get us to the airport.
Fortunately for us, the rains caused a 30min delay to our flight so we made it in good time and said our final farewells to Danny by phone before boarding our flight to India.

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