Thursday, July 12, 2007

India 14 Women On The Move

Its is common knowledge (or just a perception) that Indian women rely heavily on men to difine who they are and what they achieve in life. With that "common knowledge"in mind, I was pleasantly surprised to see women taking to the streets and holding their owm alongside men on thier bikes, full sarees and all.

Generally speaking, I am appalled at the way women in India and other Asian countries are treated like second class citizens with many basic choices taken away from them so I was surprised and delighted that women are allowed to bike their war around the city and have freedom at least on this level.

I can't imagine Western women dressing in that much clothes in an extremely hot climate and making their way through the crowded streets in any city but this is a common sight in Indian cities.

All I can say is, more power to them!

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