Wednesday, July 11, 2007

India 12 Bangalore And The Boys Home

This Home for boys was the most heartbreaking part of my trip. I wanted to see where I can contribute as a Social Worker and this was the answer for me.
Seeing those boys at the home, the living conditions, the lack of food and proper order made life a living hell for them. ranging from ages 6-16, these boys became wards of the State when they were picked up on the streets after running away from home after physical abuse and other situations. Some were brought in and droped off by parents and guardians who could not deal with them.
It would seem like a bunch of delinquents should be dealt with in a tough manner but when you hear the stories of these boys, you would not wish a life like these for anyone.
There is a Psychologist compiling cases of the boys as they come in, with their main aim being repartriation, that is, getting the boys back to their families. This has proved to be much more difficult that it sounds as it is a long and tidious process. Some of the boys can't remember their proper address or telephone numbers and at this point the hands are tied.
Being in a multi-lingual State is another problem. The psychologist speaks Tamil but the boys speak other langauges included but not limited to Hindi, Telugu and Kannada, the official language of the State of Karnataka, of which Bangalore is the capital.
After all these weeks and I am sure even when months and years have past the sight, smell, conditions and faces of these boys will haunt me. I still can remember the smell that assualted me when I first went to the buildings but I got used to it and tried to smile even though all I wanted to do was cry for each and every one of them.

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