Saturday, July 5, 2008

A Treasure of a Friend: 18 Years Later

Pam and I met for the first time on November 12th, 1990 and we hit it off immediately. I remember the day clearly because my birthday was two days later. I can still picture the moment I walked up the stairs only to see Pam's smiling face at the desk.I am sure that exact happened to many others. You can't help but fall under that spell and be charmed in a moment.

Pam wears her heart on her sleeve and is the most caring and compassionate person you will ever meet. Some people tend to take advantage of that but it has not changed her one bit. This lady just keeps coming back stronger than ever.

Life has not always been good and over the years, we have shared stories about our life, we have seen each other fall, we have faced disappointments and pain. We know what it feels like to have no money, no food, no job, and sometimes, no future.But through it all, Pam has always found that inner strength, a strength that comes directly from her faith in Him who is always in control, and she has persevered.

18 years is a long time and looking back, I have so many memories of the bad days and the good days. The bad days are like a shadow we can appreciate now because we have learned our lessons well from them. But the good days are here and I am glad I can share these good days with Pam.

Everyone in the world should have at least one good friend. Someone to turn too when the chips are down. Someone to cry with when times are bad, someone to laugh with and enjoy the good times. Someone who will always believe in you, no matter what you are up against. Someone whom you feel close to, even when oceans and continents separate you physically.

I have that good friend, and more than that, a great friend who personifies the meaning of the word 'friend.' Thank you for being my friend.

Only your friends will MAKE you shovel a driveway full of snow for your dinner.

Getting ready for the cold day ahead, Pam makes sure I am well covered and buttoned up.

November 2007, on a weekend visit to Pam's new home in Ottawa, Canada. We had Tea at a fancy hotel downtown.

1 comment:

David said...

Nice tribute, Lloyd. A friend you should treasure!