Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Salzburg Global Seminar: Fun In The Beirstuba

One of the things we looked forward to the most was our evenings downstairs the Schloss, in the Bierstuba. In fact, we were encouraged to spend time there and relax and get to know each other and exchange ideas. We did that and managed to have a ton of fun in the process.

Teri, Alicia and I share a drink as we sit and chat and watch some ping pong.

Jeffrey giving his best shot against me in ping pong.

Denis, Michele, Anna May, Jeffrey, Gaby and I take a break between some very competitive Fussbol.

The IT Couple having some downtime during the evening in the Bierstuba.

What happened to my opponent? Where have they gone?

Gaby having fun with ping pong while the rest of us wait our turn.

Justin was one of only three persons who really knew how to play and gave me some good competition.

Teri was another one who gave me a great game but she could not keep up with my pace. We have to do this again Teri.

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