Saturday, February 9, 2008

Trinidad # 6: My Long Lost Nephew

This may sound odd but it really did happen to our family years ago and I am glad I had the opportunity and the means to remedy it.

One of my two older brothers, Anand (or Chillout as he is affectionately know) was married manyyears ago but was seperated from his wife not too long after. By this time they had a son and my estimate is that he was about 6-8 months old at the time of his parents' seperation.

Sadly enough, due to circumstances beyond our control, my family, including never saw the child again. Shocking I know but there were factors at work and we let it go and next thing you know, 20 years had passed and we did not know our nephew and he (still)does not know his father or relatives on his father side of the family.

On my trip home, a cousin of mine offered to take me and my mother to thier house and so we went to visit. In Trinidad, you don't have to call (not that we had a number to call) and announce your arrival, you can just show up and thats exactly what we did. When we arrived, I was nervous because his mother had made some statements in the past letting us know in no uncertain terms that we should stay away from "her" son but thank God, He was the only one at home when we got there.

When he came out of the house and I confirmed that he is indeed Denish Maharaj, I pointed my mother and said this is your grandmother and I am your uncle and my name is Lloyd. he stook there in shock but smiling at the same time.

He finally caught himself and let us in and we had a good chat before his family showed up (that is another chapter that I will not go into)Turns out Denish will be 21 in May 2008 and he works as a salesman for a large wholesale company.

It was shocking to see that Denish is the spitting image of his father: they had the same smile, laughed in the same manner and even talked in the same soft tone. That one day made my trip worthwhile and I hope in the years to come, Denesh will get to know his "lost" relatives and more importantly, his father.

The pictures show Denish, my mother, and of course, your's truly.

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