Friday, February 1, 2008

One Week Down...

...and counting.

Its the end of the first week of classes but I feel as if I have been at it for weeks or even months. Not a good sign I am sure but I am hoping that over the weekend I can get myself together and get on with it.

For some strange reason I have not been able to adjust and get back into the swing of things here in NY and I want to balme it on too much sun, too much home-cooked meals and definitely too much fun over the previous five weeks.

For those of you who don't know, this is my fourth semester and I will be graduating this Spring and transfering to a four year college to complete my degree. Its decided and I will do my under grad in Social Work at either York College in Queens or Lehman College in the Bronx. These are the only two CUNY (City University of New York) that has a BSW. Hopefully I can do my MSW at Columbia and if not Hunter College will be fine.

Time for me to start my weekend...

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