Thursday, December 13, 2007

Birthday Way...Act I "Out In Two Club"

For those of you who know me, you will know that my birthday is always a big deal for me. The only other time I like to fuss about is Christmas but birthdays are always better since its always about me. Even as the number increases the fun gets better and my circle of friends increase.My b-day began at about 11:45pm on the night of 11/13 because I get to decide when to start my official celebration. I open one present at that time and then went to bed.The morning was like any other morning and I had my Biology and English classes and then the fun began.

Being the President of the Out In Two Scholarship Club has its privileges and one of them is getting a chance to celebrate with all the Scholars. Our club advisor ordered a big cake and lots of food (we always have food at our club meetings)and it was one big celebration. One of the scholars, Brian, also had his b-day on the same day as mine so we had two cakes. Brian is in the red shirt in the pictures with me. Thanks Lesley and thanks Out In Two for a wonderful start to my b-day in 2007.


Pam said...

Hey Lloyd,

all good, blah blah, but where are your ottawa pics! Kendra took some really good pics, post them nah!

anyways, Miss ya!

LLM-in-NYC said...

patience honey...I am building up to that!!!!