Monday, April 28, 2008

From Salzburg to New York

It was quite a reality check to arrive back in NY and see that nothing had changed in the week that I was away. But why should it have anyway? New York had no real bearing on the fact that I attended The Salzburg Global Seminar and the only change expected was with me.

Today, Monday 28Th, April, I am back in the swing of things with classes at 8am and surprisingly enough, I was awake and alert. I am proud of myself. After seven nights of an average 3 hours sleep, I thought it would be tough on me to sit through my classes, but so far so good. Tomorrow will be the real test though, when I have classes and other activities from 8am right up until 9:30pm.

On the bright side, I have made some wonderful new friends, I have learned so much about myself and my future and where its headed, and I had tons of fun in the process. What more can I ask for! I have already been given more than I deserve and I am thankful for every moment of joy and enlightenment that comes my way.

Look for much much more updates and pictures in the coming week.

On my way to the city center with some of the students. One of the many stops along the way that we could pass without getting a few photos.

This is a picture of the entire group of students and the one faculty member from my college, Borough of Manhattan Community College, (BMCC)that was a part of The Salzburg Global Seminar.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Some Pics Until I Have Time To Write

The view from the back of the Schloss Leopoldskron looking out towards the lake.

Looking at the Schloss from across the lake.

A bit of a tete-a-tete at the back of the plane as we amused ourselves on the long flight.

Meeting the group at JFK before proceeding to check-in

A corner view of the Schloss through the trees on the grounds.

Another view of the lake from the back of the Schloss

Another view of the lake from the back of the Schloss

Sunday, April 20, 2008

The Salzburg Global Seminar

We left for Salzburg at 4pm on Friday 18th, 40m and arrived at the palace around 11am on Saturday 19th. From the moment we got there, we all decided that we were not leaving (if only). From the air the city looked absolutely stunning but that was nothing comapred to the place we are staying.

I would love to take the time to go into details but at the moment, I am too tired to find the rights words to give a proper description. For now, let me say that we are staying on the grounds of a beautiful palace, and we are having all our meals, some of our workshops, and lots of our freetime in the palace. I have a key to the palace as well. How cool is that. Meals at the palace with view of the snow capped Alps across the waters on a beautiful lake... Think on that till next time.

A view of the palace from across the lake that was featured in The Sound of Music.

Having lunch in the palace today, Sunday 20th April, with Otis on my right and Amir on my left.

Standing in front of the gate that leads into the property.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Brimfull of Asha

This past week there was a flurry of emails between us roomies about an upcoming performance by Asha Bhosle at Carnegie Hall. After all the back and forth, I got tickets for the three of us, Jon, David and myself, to attend.

All three of us made our (visiting)debut at Carnegie Hall that night but I am sure the talented Ms. Bhosle is no stranger to that stage. It was a thrilling night for me to witness a performer whose music I have know since early in my life. It was also the first time I have attended the performance of an artiste as prominent as Asha Bhosle.

Her repetoir was extensive and included, semi-clasical indian, old and new Indian film songs, most of which I knew, or at least heard. Now i want to se more live performances and I will be checking out for other events with top artists.

Who knows? Maybe I will catch Aretha Franklin, Chaka Khan or even Diana Ross before I leave NY.

I am writing from Salzburg, Austria, so look for more updates.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Two days To Salzburg!

This is the group from BMCC who will be attending The Salzburg Seminar!

Monday, April 14, 2008

Baby Emily Alexis

Here is Baby Emily, born April 8Th, 2008. Seen here with Mommy Camille and daddy Jason

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Couldn't Resist The Tree

Look, there's a monkey in the tree,no, it's two monkeys.

Friends in Trinidad

While I was busy playing some football on the beach at Manzanilla during my visit home in January, I heard someone calling my name. But it was not the way everyone else used my name. Everyone calls me Lloyd but people who have known me for many years in Trinidad calls me Lloyde and this was the name I was hearing.
I looked toward the voice and who could I see but Chris, I friend of mine whom I had not seen in at least five years. We knew each other from church many years ago, but became friends some years ago and hung out quite a bit in the years before I left Trinidad. One can imagine my shock and surprise to see him and what a coincidence it was.
Anyway, we had a good chat about life as it is now, and of course, the good old days. Chris is now married with children, two I think, and I am here in NY studying. We have come a long way from the days when we used to hang out and ponder on our future.

Missing Trinidad: Manzanilla Beach

Its Sunday today and I am sitting at home working on an English essay about my life back in Trinidad. My mind somehow drifter back to the days when we used to visit the beach every weekend, spent the night doing bar-b-Que's and then bathing all the next day before heading home, completely exhausted.
These are some pictures from my last visit home and a day spent at Manzanilla Beach.

See the rainbow in the picture.

We had a great time smimming and playing in the water.

A view of the beach from the water, coconut trees swaying in the breeze.

The coconut trees at dusk, it was a beautiful evening as the daylight retreated and gave room to the night.

Nicholas, Rakesh, and me.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Happy Birthday Neisha!

I believe that every one needs to have at least one close friend, someone who will be there no matter what happens in our lives. Someone who will see us for who we are and still be our friend. I am fortunate to have not one but at least three friends like this. Neisha is one such friend.

I met Neisha about eight years ago when I was the youth leader in my home church in Trinidad. We immediately became friends and Neisha was always willing to help out with activities and programs in the group. We always had so many fun evenings and laugh together and worked together.

Fast forward to October 2004.
I flew to London where Neisha has been living for the past five years. Neisha met me at the airport, took me home to drop off my bags and then took me on a whirlwind tour of Central London. This was the point from where our friendship moved up to a whole new level. For the two years I lived in London, Neisha and I became very close friends and now I can say she is one of my best friends.

There are many qualities to a good friend. One who listens, is always available, caring, considerate, knows all about you but still loves you, and many more. Neisha is all this and much much more. I am proud and happy to call her my friend and know that she feels the same about me.

Thank you so much for being the wonderful person you are and I am truly blessed and fortunate to have you as my friend. Thanks for all the fun times we have had together and the anticipation of many more years as friends. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

Just before going out with friends to celebrate a birthday. Jan 2006

A night out with friends in Central London...what a night that was!

"Trini to de bone!" Watching the Soca Warriors in the 2006 World Cup against England.

After work office "lime" sponsered by our manager, Jeff. O2 Center, Finchley Road, London

A quiet even at our house on Greenland Quays, London. We had so much fun there.

Neisha and I in front of our house with the marina and Canary Wharf in the background.

Late at night on the # 1 bus, heading to Central London for a night out.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Think Twice About That Haircut

A Chinese hair salon has been shut down and fined 500,000 yuan ($71,280) for holding two customers hostage and charging wildly excessive fees for haircuts, a newspaper reported on Monday.

College students Zhang Yi and Yuan Sha Sha went for a haircut at Baolou International Beauty Salon in Zhengzhou, in the central province of Henan, expecting to pay the 38 yuan ($5.42) advertised on the window.

But when the barbers were done, they produced a joint bill for 12,000 yuan ($1,700), enough to make anyone's hair curl, the Beijing News reported.

"After borrowing from 16 people, the two were only able to come up with 9,800 yuan and it wasn't until after 10 pm were they allowed to leave the hair salon," it reported.

It was not the first time that the shop tried to cheat consumers. One was slapped with a bill for 4,776 yuan when she came in for a haircut last September. In December, another customer opted for a 68 yuan haircut, but was asked to pay 5,670 yuan.

The shop was eventually shut down with nearly 100 local residents applauding outside, the newspaper said.

(Reporting by Beijing Newsroom; Editing by Nick Macfie)

($1=7.015 Yuan)

Announcing: Emmily Alexis McIssac

My sister Camille had her first baby yesterday, Tuesday April 8Th at 9:30 pm, in Toronto, Canada.
That makes me an uncle for the 7Th time. I originally planned to visit my sister this weekend but my mother there before the birth so I will go after my exams. Look out for pictures since I will be posting as soon as I get some.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

April Is Here

I repressed into my boyhood days yesterday, April 1ST, and played a practical joke on most of my friends.
I sent out an email saying I was involved in an incident at school and may be facing suspension. It was a big joke but here are some of the responses I got within five minutes.

One friend called to ask what was going on. In other words, what foolish thing had I done to get in trouble and throw away my life.

Another saw right through me and wished me a happy April Fool's Day in return. These two friends so far from NY.

A very good friend in London emailed her reply, with a disclaimer. "God is bigger than anything. (If this is an April Fool's joke, ha ha ha)."

The classic was another friend in London who called me immediately, trying to calm me down and help in any way possible. (The things you have to do to get a phone call from some friends)

So much for that. I had a good laugh though and stillsmile when I think of the frantic voices on the phone. Here is s site that list the 100 biggest pranks for April Fool's Day. Check it out.