Friday, March 28, 2008

Epcot Center: Morocco and Japan

This part of the Epcot Center around the lake has representations of some countries, all of which we visited (well, except America. We live here, after all)and spent some time observing some of the displays or just checking out the shops. Morocco and Japan were two of the places we had meals at and they were both very good.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Orlando Weekend: Welcome Distraction

A weekend in Orlando visiting Disney world and Universal Studios right now would be great. These pictures however, is from my trip in February. Even though Orlando did not make my list of places to visit in 2008, the opportunity came and I flew with it. I wish I had time to describe the trip in detail and all the fun we had but time is limited. I did have a ton of fun though...can you tell?

The famous Epcot Center. Anyone knows why it looks like a golf ball?

Jon next to one of the lakes.

Another view of the lake we encountered as soon as we entered.

The Stress of Being a Student

At first I thought it was just me but after chatting with other students, I realize that so many of us can't wait for this semester to end. It is as though this is the worst of all the semesters we have had and we all agree we are a bit overwhelmed. Just this morning I was speaking with two other students and they both said the same thing that I am feeling. I don't think I have been looking forward to vacation time like now. I really can't wait.

In spite of that, I am enjoying my classes and getting to know some new students as the semester goes on. Hopefully we will all make it through and come out on top.When I think of this, I can't imagine what senior college will be like.

On a brighter note, I got my visa yesterday to visit Austria so that is one headache less. I went only once, had everything they asked for and more, and now I pick up my passport on Monday. One thing less I have to worry about. I can now focus on other aspects of the trip.

Well...I am off to another goes on.

This is where I would like to be right now (Manzanilla Beach, Trinidad)

Monday, March 17, 2008

More Tobago Pictures.

From Fort George, we moved on to some other Forts in Tobago. We came across the mystery tomb. Read the inscription and see if you can make sense of it. Let me know what you think.

This is the site of the oldest Fort in Tobago.

Try to solve the mystery of this tomb.

The main building of Fort George, now a museum.

Look at that breathtaking view. You can stay there forever.

Jon at Fort George just before we left to visit other Forts.

Relaxing at Fort George, enjoying the view.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

More Pictures From Tobago

Enjoy the warm water and brilliant sunshine at Dead Man's Cove

Making friends and giving some attention to nice dog at Fort George

A view from our boat as we sailed alongside Pigeon Point.

Here are so more pictures from beautiful Tobago. Every one should visit at some point in their life

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Trinidad 10: A Day in Tobago

It was supposed to be a day spent in beautiful Tobago with my mother, sister, and Jon but when the day came, only Jon and I went. We took the ferry early in the day and had a nice uneventful two and half hour trip before we got there. It was a beautiful day with brilliant sunshine, clear blue skies and an inventing ocean, any direction you looked.

We were fortunate to have a cool taxi driver, the only woman in the line, who dropped us off to some of the places we visited and even got us a nice discount on the boat tour of the Bucco Reef, the Nylon Pool and a detour on a small cove with warm water. It was a great day and I have tons of pictures so here are a few. The next time I spend a day in Tobago will be for a friend's weeding but who know when that will be. Maybe when she reads this she will tell me.

Jon sitting on the wall of Fort George, with the countryside in the background

Jon looking out at Pigeon Point.

A view of Store Bay from our boat on the way to the Reef and Nylon Pool.

A 'bird's eye view' of Pigeon point from our boat

On the way to Tobago as we left Trinidad

Tobago, here I come

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Trinidad 9: The Caroni Swamp

This is one swamp you will not find any green monsters so if you go, don't expect to see Shrek or any of his friends.

Instead you will see the beautiful Scarlet Ibis birds, the national bird of Trinidad and Tobago, as they fly there to nest.

We took a river boat on a guided tour and finally parked in a corner and waited for the birds to fly in for the night. The Egrets came first and the green trees turned white. Soon after, the flocks of red could be seen swooping down to the trees and changing the green/white to bright red/pink.

It was a sight to behold as we sat there and observer an amazing aspect of nature that man had nothing to do with.
Enjoy the pictures and if you visit Trinidad, be sure to take a trip to the Caroni Swamp.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

No Time To Blog!

When this semester began, I thought it will be the easiest one but I was mistaken. Seems like everywhere I turn, something is happening and I have no time to blog. I should be in bed, really.

I do have so many things to blog about; I am yet to finish my section on Trinidad and Tobago. I have to post some pictures from Orlando as well as other good things that has been happening.

One really good thing is two good friends that I 'found' again after being out of touch for about seven years. There is also two sisters, both living in the US, whom I have not seen in at least ten years, that I am in touch with again. Their family were there in the beginning, somewhere back in 1975 when my family began attending church and we became Christians.

There was also the issue of college applications. I am transferring from my present college, which is a two year program, to another school to complete my four years toward my degree.

In spite of the rush of the days, life is good. More and more I realize how blessed I am in these past weeks. Included are some pictures of the few you get when you step out of my school. It is a stunning view, especially at night.