Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Summer In New York :The Bronx Zoo

Another highlight of my three weeks of Summer In New York was going to the Bronx Zoo. I was doing some baby sitting for a friend and took her two children there for the day.
For general information, one day is hardly enough to see even half of the zoo. We did have a great time especially seeing a huge Bengal Tiger playing in the water and marching up and down like you see in the wild as well as the feeding of the sea Lions and Penguins.
The girls enjoyed the Monkeys while they had their fun oblivious of the crowds staring at them.
There is a special Children's Zoo and here the girls had a chance to climb the spider web, burrow into a hill with some prairie dogs and feed and pet some animals.
Here are a few of the many pics taken

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you if I havn't done so. I'm very grateful for the 3 summer days you spent w/my girls. Their favorite day was the Zoo adventure. Santa will gratify you on behave of my girls. :)