Thursday, April 26, 2007

Trini's In Heaven

You may not think this is funny but I can't help that since I am not responsible for your sense of humor.
I hope you have a good day nevertheless.

Gabriel came to the Lord and said, "Ah have
to talk to you, yes.
It have some Trinis up here in Heaven who causing real
problems. Dey swinging on the Pearly Gates, my horn missing, BBQ
sauce and curry all over dey robe; cow-heel , chicken foot and pigtail
bone all over the streets of Gold. Some ah dem walkin around with one
dey late taking turn keeping de stairway to Heaven clean, it have ah
setta watermelon seed all over the clouds and dem an some ah dem ent
wearing dey halos, saying it doh fit with dey hairstyles." The Lord
" I made them special, as I did you, my angel. Heaven is home to all
my children. If you really want to know about problems, let's call up
Devil". The devil answered the phone,
"Hello? Yes,Lord ........wha de......hole on a minute." The devil
returned to the phone and said, " Yeah Lord, wha yuh want?" The
Lord replied, "Tell me what kinds of problems you are having down
there.." The devil said, " Ooohh... hole orn.. hole orn" and put the Lord
hold. After 5 minutes he returned to the phone, and said "Eh heh.. what
it is yuh ask meh jus now?" The Lord said, "What kinds of problems are
you having down there?" The devil said, "Buh eh eh ....look, hole
orn...." This time the devil was gone for 15 minutes. The devil returned
said, "Look I sorry eh, but I cyah talk to yuh right now nah. Dem Trinis
and dem put out de fire again, and now dey installing air conditioning in
meh place".

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