Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Vanaja: The Movie You Must See

Last Saturday morning met us sitting at home with David who was visiting, chatting and planning what we should do for the day. I had a seminar to attend but we all expressed our desire to see a movie.
I explained to David what sort of Indian movies I like. That being, movies that portray true aspects of Indian culture, those that show classical dances that are distinctive of the Indian people and even the dress representative of India. All is this is part of the reason I don't go out of my way to see the Bollywood blockbusters.
David told us about this movie, Vanaja and we made our way there at 5pm. We thoroughly enjoyed the movie from the word go. The characters were real, the acting was of the highest standard and it made you feel as if you know these people and can understand exactly what they were experiencing. We laughed, some of us cried, we all got angry at times and we were left hoping that things would work out for Vanaja.
Imagine our surprise to learn that the movie was done as part of a thesis by a student at Columbia University! I would have believed it was written and directed by the best in the business, it was that good. Even better, there was a Q and A with the student and the actress who played the title role Vanaja! That made the experience all the better. David was happily surprised when he realised the movie was in Telegu, his native language.
In saying all this, you Must see this movie!


Pam said...

Lloyd, There is a series of films by Deepah Metha (spelling) she is canadian and has about 3 movies which I know about..I would recommend that you see them all:
Water, Fire, earth... Great movies!

LLM-in-NYC said...


I have seen earth and water but have not been able to get a hold of Fire. It was banned in India. Let me know if you have it and where to get it if you know.

Pam said...

when you come to ottawa we can look at it!

LLM-in-NYC said...

Pray that I get the visa, its not as easy as it seems.
Jon reminded me we saw Water only so would be great to see the others