Friday, June 29, 2007

Preview: India 1...Mumbai

Jon and I arrived in Mumbai, India on 8th June, 2007 and we made it fine through immigration, collected our baggage and then walked outside. That was when it hit me! That is, the 38 Deg. C temperature! I had never felt natural heat like that in my life before! I could barely open my eyes and I began sweating immediately.
Jon was quite amused at my reaction to the heat since I always spoke of growing up in a hot tropical island but Trinidad was nothing compared to this heat. It was my big welcome to India.
I didn't mind though, I was in India, the land of my ancestors and I was living another dream and I fully intended to enjoy it, heat and all.

Some funnies for the weekend.

Laughter is like good medicine so I hope you like to laugh. Have a great day.

London June 07

India is now behind me and I am in London for a week already. Its been an amazing summer so far and its not even half way through.
I arrived in London on 25th June and breezed through to meet my fiends Neisha, Pete and Jasmin who were all waiting.
Being back in London brings back so many memories, all of them good. I slept for a week in my old room and I am back at work at the usual place. Quite a few of the guys I worked with are still there so its good to be in a familiar place among familiar faces. All in all, life is good and I am grateful.
Look out for upcoming posts about the India trip. I have so much to post and I have not even started so look out.